About Us

The Memorial Day Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness and respect for Memorial Day through public displays of remembrance. We are trying to fulfill our mission by involving the public in our historical and traditional ways of remembering Memorial Day. One of these traditional ways is with flowers. The gift of flowers at a memorial site is a ritual that occurs around the world in every culture. As you probably know our own Memorial Day began as Decoration Day, when on the 30th of May Americans would decorate the graves of Civil War Veterans with flowers.

We have designed a beautiful and dignified Small Memorial Floral Wreath of red, white and blue silk flowers. The Wreath is appropriately flag draped in red, white and blue with logo of The Memorial Day Foundation It measures 16” in width. It pays tribute to those who fought and died for us. Foundation gives the public an opportunity to remember and honor the nation’s war heroes, by placing these wreaths at six of the major New York City war memorials on Memorial Day.

Each wreath will have an enclosure card attached to it that the donor will have the option to include a message or to sign. The enclosure card can be signed by individuals, couples, families, corporations, institutions, organizations and civic associations. It’s important to remember that Memorial Day belongs to everyone.

We will deliver the wreaths to the six New York City war memorials on Memorial Day. This would allow for the maximum number of visitors to these memorials to see the wreaths for the fitting tribute that they are for our war dead.

We are asking the public for a $15.00 donation for each wreath. Proceeds from the wreaths go to furthering the mission of The Memorial Day Foundation. Since we have no salaried employees (all are volunteers) and low overhead, we have deliberately set the donation as low as possible for the greatest participation by the American public.

The Memorial Day Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt not for profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. The Foundation has no paid positions and relies on volunteers, donors and gratuitous services.

To sponsor a Small Memorial Floral Wreath for delivery to any one of or all of the six New York City war memorials this Memorial Day please mail your donation for the amount of bouquets you would like to sponsor at $15.00 per bouquet to:
The Memorial Day Foundation
33 Orient Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Or click on the “Donate” button or the “Sponsor Box” on the home page of this web site.
