Donation Mail Form

Donation Form

Donations not requiring buttons, pins and/or flowers allow us to expand our mission of awareness and respect for Memorial Day and increase the amount of buttons and pins that we are able to distribute. Of course all of the net proceeds from the distribution of the buttons and pins will be donated to the needs of disabled war veterans and families of our fallen heroes.

Please print this form and mail it to the address below along with your contribution.
Click Here to Print This Page


Title if appropriate:

Company if appropriate:



State, Zip:

E-mail address (optional):

Amount of contribution:

Please mail this form and your contribution to:

The Memorial Day Foundation
33 Orient Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11211-2205

The Memorial Day Foundation will provide a written acknowledgement for your contribution by mail.
The Memorial Day foundation is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization.
Contributions are tax deductible under applicable laws.
The Memorial Day Foundation’s tax identification number is 65-1240181